Vamos Central, our company of adults with mild to moderate learning disabilities, is staging a special sharing to show what they’ve been learning this year, and everyone with an interest in drama is invited.

Princess Street! is a collection of scenes and stories all told non-verbally, using puppets, masks and movement. Join the residents of Princess Street on wash day as they share their stories of evil stepsisters, frightening walks in the woods, love and bravery.

We run two groups for people with mild to moderate learning disabilities – Vamos Central (ages 25+) and Vamos Central Youth (ages 16-25). The groups meet weekly in term time to learn theatre skills (including the full mask for which Vamos Theatre is internationally renowned), have fun, be playful, and create and share inspiring theatre. This term, Vamos Central has been exploring non-verbal storytelling and Princess Street! has been created through the member’s own ideas and exploration. The sharing of work will be followed by a discussion about its creation and a Q&A with the cast.

Tickets are free, but unreserved seating must be pre-booked, and we invite you to ‘pay what you feel’ after watching the show if you would like to help support the group: cash and cards accepted. The sharing is on Friday, 7th July (2:30pm and 6pm) at Christopher Whitehead Language College, Bromwich Road and is wheelchair accessible.

Book your seats

If you are interested in joining Vamos Central or Vamos Central Youth, new members are always welcome to apply for either group; for more information, see our Learning pages.