Continuing The Best Thing-themed series celebrating growing up, this week it's the turn of actor Sarah Hawkins and administrator Kathryn Green to share some childghood secrets...

The Best Thing about me is....
Sarah: My ridiculous obsession with order and neatness when carrying out the most trivial tasks. Don't touch the costumes!
Kathryn: I'll always give something new a try.

What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
Sarah: A scientist. What they don't tell you when you're 10 is that science is mostly maths
Kathryn: An archaeologist

What was the first single you bought? And in what format?
Sarah: My first album was Catatonia - International Velvet, on CD
Kathryn: Avril Lavigne - Complicated - CD.

What was your most cringe worthy childhood outfit?
Sarah: Shorts with long white socks and sandals.
Kathryn: Probably my school disco outfit - purple corduroy flares, cream
sparkly platform sandals, teamed with my Spice Girls crop top.  

What were you most scared of as a child?
Sarah: Hurting myself. I banned the word ‘wound’ in my house.
Kathryn: Butterflies and Moths - still am.

What was your favourite childhood holiday?
Sarah: Pru and Laurie's guest house with my own bedroom, horses in the next field, rescue owls and port jelly for pudding.
Kathryn: Going to visit family in Aberdeen, Scotland and getting cakes, chocolate and sweets and fizzy pop showered upon me. Jackpot!

The Best Thing about me as a child was...
Sarah: Having a big imagination. I kept myself entertained for hours riding horses round the back garden and dreaming up a way to meet the tooth fairy.
Kathryn: I became a big sister. I loved having a baby sister to look after and care for.