Go to university. Done. Get a degree. Done. Get experience? Industry experience? Hello Vamos!

Fresh out of university, Vamos was my first contact with a professional touring theatre company, and I am so glad it was.

The role was Assistant Producer, it included helping the cast to set up, run q-lab, take notes and be the silent helper who will know the answers to “Where is that prop that we lost?” “What’s next?” and “Can you ask Rachael to give us a longer break?” Little did I know, this one-month placement would give me the best insight into touring theatre, allow me to grow as a theatre maker and make me feel like a part of a really fun family.

A little bit about myself. I’m Tisa, pronounced like Lisa just with T instead of L. I know you were wondering how to pronounce my name, so I’ll save my surname for a different occasion. I moved to the UK in 2017 for university, I thought working in theatre in an English-speaking country is going to be easier then studying in Croatia. Wrong. It’s hard. Fast forward to 2021, and I am sitting opposite Rachael, our amazingly hard-working director, whose interview question is “Tell me about the time you failed?” What? Are you sure you don’t want to hear 3 words that describe me the best? It was after hearing this question, that I knew that working with Vamos will push me above my boundaries of comfort and expand my idea of what I thought theatre was.

Good news. Bad news.

Good news. I got the job! I’m Assistant Producer for Vamos Theatre. Bad news. I don’t how to be Assistant Producer for Vamos Theatre. Excitement and fear of failure were battling as I questioned if I will be able to fulfill the company’s needs and expectations. Luckily, the nerves calmed down as soon as I was introduced to Dan, our producer, projection manager and know-everything person. Dan used humour and patience to teach me the insights of running a production. There were no stupid questions, mistakes, or fallbacks, only lessons, opportunities and growth. Although I entered fearing “How the hell does one operate sound?”, as the time went by, it changed into “Full run? I’m ready.”

Dead Good was dead good.

The production we were preparing for tour was called “Dead Good”. It followed a story of two best friends as they take their final ride of life before they say goodbye to it. The story was set in a hospice and the theme was, well, dying. And the burning question: Am I going to go home crying out of sadness every day? Answer: No! It was the most fun, silly, touching production which talked about life, friendship and finding happiness in small things. The cast were made of professional, experienced, established actors and theatre makers. No pressure Tisa. Did I also mentioned that they probably had more experience than I had years? Turns out, they were the most supportive cast and a perfect example of how an ensemble works together.

Looking back at this journey, I can say that it has not finished but only just started. Dead Good is now on a tour, leaving people in tears of laughter and sadness. I’m writing this blog, knowing that I am a theatre maker that now has knowledge of stage management, producing and touring. Vamos Theatre has not only opened new doors for me, but they also showed how they care and believe in me. Therefore, I should too. Thank you, it’s been dead good.

Tisa Klicek